Nah, Yang saya bagikan ini adalah "Tune Up Utilities 2011 - Full Version - Keygen - Crack" jadi FULL VERSION! Sehingga jelas sekali yang saya berikan ini melanggar hak cipta dari perusahaan pembuatnya.
Oke, kita alihkan saja topik pembajakan diatas.. Apa sih yang diimprove dari Tune Up versi 2011 ini?
Berikut yang saya ambil dari situs resminya
TuneUp Utilities™ – Version 2011 – all new!
TuneUp Utilities™ – Version 2011, gets your PC, notebook, or netbook in top shape—saving you costly and painful upgrades! The innovation of this year’s version: TuneUp Program Deactivator, a unique tool that drastically reduces the load on your PC, giving you a true performance boost!
Windows® runs as fresh as it did on the very first day!
For the first time ever, you can turn off programs completely and drastically reduce the load on your PC: The services, startup entries, background processes, or scheduled tasks in a program that are turned off will remain inactive until you need them again. This way you avoid the loss in performance that is always a danger after many programs are installed. One recommendation for a speedy Windows®: Uninstall programs you no longer want to use just as you did before, and use TuneUp Program Deactivator to turn off that software you use only rarely, until you need it again.
Tuning status shows how many optimizations have already been performed with TuneUp Utilities™, and what potential for optimization still remains. You will never forget or overlook a single tuning measure again!
Thanks to the fresh look of the Start Center, users will find all optimization features in seconds: Features stand out more clearly as they are now divided into five categories for maximum readability and immediate access. TuneUp Utilities™ tuning highlights appear immediately under the categories of “Status & recommendations”, “Optimize system”, “Gain disk space”, “Fix problems”, and “Customize Windows®”. Smart: The ever more powerful “Turbo Mode” can now be launched from any category at the click of a mouse, and Tuning status is always visible.
The experiences of countless TuneUp Utilities™ users help you make the best tuning decisions.
Windows® performs best and is most effective when you turn off programs, deactivate startup entries and/or uninstall third‐party software that you don't need on a daily basis. But it’s often unclear what lies behind a cryptic program entry. The new rating functions supports you here to make better decisions on each program.
Turbo Mode, 10 times more powerful than before, brings your PC to maximum speed for your work and games.
With a single mouse‐click, shut down over 70 background processes that slow down Windows® 7, Windows® XP, and Windows® Vista—as compared to only 7 before! By pressing a button, you get an immediate boost of power when working at your PC, a smoother gameplay, and complete control over background activities that slow down your computer.
Made for true Windows® experts: The new “Overview of all functions” view on the Start Center gives you instant access to all TuneUp Utilities™ features and settings—32 in total! So your favorite feature is always right at hand when you need it.
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Tampilan "License"
Tampilan "Overview Of All Function"
Tampilan pada "Task bar"
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kalah update gw gan haha
@Dimas Abi Galoga wakkak
fungsinya untuk apa sob ini?
@kisah abu nawas"giving you a true performance boost!" memberikan optimasi pada komputer agar performa maksimal gan
mantab, ijin sedot gan
kalau ada yg bagus lagi kasi tau yaa
@Anime Loversyoi gan.. terus kunjungin nih blog, wakaka
ini yg saya cari, sedot bossss :)
kira kira ada gak yg pakai versi serial number, kalo keygen dianggap virus oleh avira..
download sob
Software yang sangat berguna untuk bikin PC selalu fit...nice share!
Nice info..
@assyafieq: punya ane Avira Free ngga di detect sbgai virus kok, ada juga keynya kok.. silahkan didownload
@kisah abu nawas: silahkan..
@hitech: yoi gan.. thanks
@wildancahyo: makasih gan!
wah hebat , tahun 2011 aja belom tapi udah ada yg versi 2011 :D
izin donlot gaan
@Muhammad Chandra silahkan gan !
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